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Sunday, May 13, 2007

let me start by saying happy mothers day to all and hope every one enjoys there day with there moms.

also im sure you all are out there eating some great foods for mums day so let me know what some of you ate me im hopeing my moms did it up dont know yet.

ok thas all till lata one


Craig said...

Tell your mom that one of your fans wishes her a very happy Mothers day.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous said...

Whats up Tiger? I spent the whole day with my family and had this big bar-b-que and it was good chicken,bugers and something else and some greens,spagetti (i know thats spelled wrong LOL) macaroni and cheese red beans and rice i'm not going to bore you with all the food i had so i'll stop but there was more :) and i wish your moms a great mothers day :)

9:51 PM  
Eric said...

Ditto what Craig said. Also, I made my mom a blueberry coffee cake for mother's day.

11:16 PM  
Marky said...

Wut up doe!!! repin da chi ill luv doin it big n 1 of da murder caps... all mums day i was so gone lol... we had dat yung thanksgiving dinner type stuf doe u kno... turkey, stuffing, papa dulce pie, mac n cheese ooh wee finaly dey cook sumthing gud... people wer geting mad... not me or mi ma but hey dats jus not us... wishin all yall a b-lated ma day... but jus wantd 2 sho ur page sum luv cuz i got a lil 4 u... yup

12:54 AM  
Anonymous said...

hey hope ur mom had a great mothers day and i hope everything is well with ur fam and stuff anyway i juss wante dot say ur soo hot like really really hot but yeah anyways my aim is buggzzz69 soo yeah hit me up :D lol and i have pix dont worry;)

2:37 AM  

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