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Flex Films

Tiger Tyson

Friday, February 02, 2007

whats really good everyone hope every one is well and in good health as for me im doing just great buisness is really boomin for me and the company im happy to see the fan bass grow larger bigger and more abroad i think its really freagan cool that i can click with so many people well any who here is what i have been up too.

i just recently got a new baby lol its a baby boy red nose pit all white i have givin him the name bizkit or biz for short i guess cause hes allways on the move constantly busy and hes got a huge noggin lol but thats a pit for ya also i have a cat his name is lucky cause found him in the street as a lil baby so named him lucky now its kinda funny watchin him cause hes been the only four legged in the house so now its him and biz and lucky has beed sort of enthused about havein someone other then him like him well sort of well there are both white so there you go lol .
oh oh also to the guy who replied bout his parrot i feel you on how loud they can be i had a parrot too and omg i wanted to chuckem out the window he was so damn loud and no matter what i did he just wouldnt shut up so i figured ok let me get him some ass and go and buy a hoe and the both started squakin it was nutz i thought at one point i was gonna chuck my self out the window lolz nah but finally i found some nice old lady to take em both lmao lmao lol cruel huh lol dunno she was lonely any way .
but i do like parrots just not as pets. oh and he was a quaker i think thats how you spell it .
also i think im gonna look into doin a video over in london did paris so figured hey why not keep goin well im gonna talk it over with the board lets see london tiger might be coming to do big ben lolz ok imma get back to work now be back lata kisses every one


Frank said...

England would welcome you! I am an American who moved to England las year to be with my British partner.. we are both BIG fans!

1:37 PM  
Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new dog! I have 2 and don't know what I would do without them.
Glad to see you are happy and doing well!!!!!

9:06 AM  
Dave said...

Tiger, its great news that you want to do a movie in London. I live and was born and raised in London and I am a dedicated fan of yours. I know that you will receive a really great welcome from your many English fans and enjoy a fantastic time in London.

I have one wish, for if you have not already topped Double R on a video that is yet to be released it would be wonderful if you can bring Double R with you to London and top
him here, as that would be so greatly appreciate by your fans.

You are the true "King of the Tops" and your topping Supreme in 2005 and Jason Tiya in 2006 was perfect.
We like Royalty in England, so with you being the reigning King of the Tops it would be perfect too if you can top Double R in 2007.

Congrats on your new Dogs too and keep up your excellent work.

My Best as Always


7:23 AM  
Anonymous said...

I'm counting the days and minutes to see you Top Double R as it will be a terrific movie, possibly your best.
LOL :-)

3:48 PM  

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