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Friday, March 09, 2007

whats crackin peoples hopefully all is well and happy as for me still busy workin on these movies its not easy let me tell you but i gotta get em done. also i hope every one plans on pickin up that new hot movie 2 disc dvd tigers effile tower im sure your gonna have fun with this one. oh and still working on that double r flick so stay tuned


Anonymous said...

Well keep it strong and keep it going cause we all love to see you cum and hate to see you go!LOL But keep on doing you and dont let none of them hatas stop you.

6:14 PM  
Dave said...

Tiger, you are the very best and treat us fans so well.

Thanks for the update on your ongoing efforts with Topping Double R movie, it will be so wonderful for all your many fans to see you Top him.

In the meantime I am getting your hot new Paris dvd.

Have a great weekend

9:19 PM  
Anonymous said...

Oh man I CANNOT wait to see the one with Double R. That movie's gonna be so hot, the DVD player's probably gonna melt. I hope he talks all dominant the whole time.. it's the sexiest thing to see Tops get fucked, especially the real hardcore Tops.

6:36 AM  
Anonymous said...

Have just see your latest Black Inches front Cover and center page spread. Its so Hot !

It's no wonder that Black Inches proclaims that Tiger is "On Top of His Game"

Speaking of which, I too can't wait to see you Top Double you are the Top Man.

Wishing you continued success with all your endevors

10:09 AM  
Anonymous said...

Papi, I can't wait for your new movies to hit the shelf!
Thanks for the update!

7:13 PM  

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