Tiger Takes KB

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New Thug City Pt 1

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Under Da Hood

Take Em Down 3

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Winner GayVN Award 2007
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Preview Tiger Tyson Secrets

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Preview In The Heat

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

whats really hood my peeps hope all is well as for me you already know still crankin' them movies out tiger tyson take em down is almost complete so make sure you keep checkin' the site for the release date. also its almost time for the gobble gobble day hope everyone is ready you know i am but im still not sure if i'm gonna cook or not its a lot of work any who i'm on my way too the studio to film some new models for a new movie so i'll holla lotta peace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so pleased to hear that you have nearly completed Take 'Em Down 3 and I hope it is released soon as I just can't wait to see it.

Take Em Down 1 and 2 have been the best ethnic dvd's ever and I am certain that part 3 will be a tremendously hot video, possibly your best to date, especially if you Top one or two hot Models like Flex.

The theme of you Topping other Tops is a truly great theme and you are the best Major Porn Star by far to do it, no one else can do it like you Papi.

Like many others I wanted to see you Top DoubleR, hopefully that can still happen in the future. However I am sure that Take 'Em Down 3 will have brilliant surprises for us as to who you Top in it and that it will be a terrific major success.

Keep up the all the excellent work and thank you for taking great care of us fans.


5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiger- thanks for the update. I eagerly await take 'em down 3!

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are the best Top !!!

This is a suggestion because you are the right person to do it. Many,many dudes are requesting on DawgpoundUSA and numerous Blogs for the model Brick to bottom.

Brick truly has the phinest hottest Azz on the planet and regularly luvs to have it played with and eaten out in his vids on Dawgpound.
He has a really great body too and many believe him to be a closet bottom

It would be so hot and right for you Papi to be the first Top that Brick Bottoms for. He is so perfect for you.

If its not not late to shoot it, it would be great for you to include a scene of you topping Brick in your new Take'Em Down 3 DVD.

You are the Best !!!

7:37 PM  

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