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The Show Part 2


The Show Part 2,

The Show Part 2 delivers the promise that The Show Part 1 sets up. After 150 minutes of spellbinding theatrics we finally learn who the winner is. Only those in the know will find out in The Show, Part 2. For those of you who missed Part 1, buy it now or watch it online before loose lips spoil it for you. However, here is the plot in a nutshell: In a mansion straight out of the Great Gatsby, multimillionaire von Fistenberg sponsors a contest for ten interracial participants to become his wealthy and pampered personal assistant and appoints Dark Alley's Owen Hawk and Pitbull Productions's Tiger Tyson as the judges.

The latter plumbs the depths of the ten eager contestants, with penetration nearly to their rib cages. The upshot of all this sexual congress is Tiger Tyson's proclamation. T Malone, a fellow thugporn star, is the best bottom! For this accomplishment, Hawk re-enacts The Last Stand with T Malone filling in for George Custer and his hungry hole taking more shafts than any tribe ever delivered to a Union cavalry.

Part 2 opens with Scene 1, Challenge Number One, CJ pairs with Gabriel Sinclair. Before a counter of grub large enough to feed an army, the two carouse in the kitchen with enough intensity to set any soldier's heart smoldering. They kiss and wank and outdo each other, while something on the stove reaches its boiling point. (Note: The soundtrack on both Parts 1 and 2 of the Show are particularly noteworthy, mixing upbeat synth with the exciting sounds of glam rock.) It all comes to a head as Gabby proves his mouth is good for much more than smooth talking and his butt more appetizing than the prime ribs that adorn their love bed.

Von Fistenberg warns the participants that their performances had better be "extra-ordinary" and for the first time in his life, Double R seems at a loss for words! As in Part 1, the audience is treated to off the cuff interviews with the participants which any viewer of TV reality shows has learned to relish. In Scene 2, Challenge Number Two, Mario Cruz makes it with Collin O’Neil in one of the many private chambers this endless mansion seems to offer. Before they are finished every square inch of this mattress is bathed in the manly juices these two contestants squeeze out with unmitigated devotion. Mario Cruz bottoms like a bull, as if he has something to prove to his matador.

In Scene 3, Challenge Number Three, T Malone gratifies Supreme aka Castro while a statue next to their bed shows three angels looking the other way. Guess why! Few are man enough to take an oral exam from horse hung Supreme, but T Malone seems up to the task. In a surprise appearance, Tiger Tyson appears from seemingly out of the woodwork, with some nocturnal wood of his own. T Malone corals this erect stallion in similar fashion and I won't give away what happens next. But if nothing else this challenge proves that thugporn evil does indeed come in threes!

In Scene 4, Challenge Number Four, Double R straight meats it with Camron with some fluffer-nutter help from Hawk and O'Neil. Double R meters out his pleasure in judicious measures. It is really hard to keep score anymore, as each contestant scores with another. But one thing any discerning viewer notices, hats off to the director, for aptly filling out each challenge. If challenge three shows three, then challenge four has something more.

Thus completes the final challenge where the cream truly rose to the top. The odd men out were Komplex and Carmello eliminated in Part 1, which serves as warning to all of us who think winning sexual contests in a millionaire's mansion are ever easy.

Scene 5, the moment of truth, is at hand. Who comes out on top? Which of the remaining nine will it be? Camron, CJ, Cruz, Double R, Hawk, Malone, O'Neal, Sinclair or Supreme? Frankly, I feel they all deserved prizes but alas, only one can be the winner. Once the judges declare the chosen one, his reward includes a session with Matthius von Fistenberg. They engage mano a mano, or shall we say, member a mambo, as the winner drives his engorged manshaft into Matthius’s mouth and then anal pleasure zone, making the Mohawk man his sheep and then his lapdog until a happy end comes to all. It is no small wonder that during the film shooting of the conclusion of the Show Part 2, these two porn stars were arrested for indecency!

I leave it up to you to find out who this felonious lucky man is in The Show Part 2. Trailers and previews nicely fill out this epic DVD in two parts.

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Pitbull Productions

Pitbull Productions presents

The Show Part 2

Tiger Tyson
Matthias von Fistenberg
Owen Hawk
T. Malone
Collin O'Neal
Gabriel Sinclair
Double R
Mario Cruz
Supreme aka Castro.

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