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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

whats really good my peeps? hope every is doing great and well as for me, i'm in excellent with health and happiness hope every one else is feeling the same.

funny thing we had a newbie in the studio yesterday first time on film and he was so adorable to watch he looked like a lost puppy at first and then after the the first couple of poundings he opened up like a black hole just sucking everything in sight we almost lost some equipment due to his ass lol too funny but the scene turned out great and i'm sure you all will enjoy the footage when its released.

also i;m still looking for models for new movies so if your looking to be in film definitely let me know send me an email and a pic of you with your info and no matter where you are we can fly out or how ever you prefer to travel we can get you here so if your some were other then new york don't worry send in your pix and info.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the new models in action. I always look forward to seeing new talent..faces no one has seen before on screen. It's refreshing b/c you don't know what to expect from them. I wonder how many new movies you are shooting right now besides 'Take 'em Down 3'?

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I and my friends are so eager to see Take Em Down 3 and especially which Top or Tops you yourself take down in it.

I also agree that you should Top Brick from DawgpoundUSA soon and I
strongly suggest that you should also Top Blaze and Hercules from DawgpoundUSA too. I hear that all three of these hot phine Azzed Models are in New York or close by you.

Many, Many people on many sites and blogs have been pleading for these three dudes to be Topped and you are definitely by far the very best person to top them - it will make all your fans so happy if you do it.

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


There's so much talkin on many, many blogs about Take 'Em Down 3 and everyone wants to see it released as soon as poz.

It's been a long, long time since your Take 'Em Down 2 was released, which many consider your best movie to date and I have high hopes that "3" will be the best of the Take "Em Down series.

Please do have some hot surprises for us in "3", like you topping Flex - or flipping with him, which will be sensational !

I also hope that somehow you already did a scene of you topping Double R a while ago, which you held back for a later release, that will be shown in Take 'Em Down 3.

No one produces such great ethnic movies as you do. Your Take 'Em Down dvds are the the Kings of Gay ethnic movies.

Please also liberate some of the good models who are currently being waisted by other studios. As it would be great and will really please your fans if you can allow hot models such as Brick, Blaze, Hercules, Berlin, Sexy One/ J wheels and Double R as soon as soon as can, to use their unshown Versatile talents on your and the fan's behalf, as you did so very well with Supreme and Jason Tiya.

You are the best


8:41 AM  

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