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Preview In The Heat

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Monday, November 19, 2007

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its allmost time im too open i cant wait i wanna eat now lmao i want some turkey my damn mouth is watering can you taste it cause i know i can im pretty sure all of you are starting the night before i allways do. i get my bottle ready my smoke ready and poof off i go and i have one hellava time cooking oh and i allways throw on some luther keeps the mood just right when cooking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiger - I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!!
Take Care!!!!

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope that you had a wonderful and special Thanksgiving too.

I also hope now that you can soon finalize Take'Em Down 3, as I and my friends are so very eager to see it and to find out who Tops who and which other established hot Top or Tops bottom for you.

I'm sure it will be a masterpiece
just like your excellent Take Em Down 1 and 2 dvd's.

My Best to you as always


11:25 AM  

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