Tiger Takes KB

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New Thug City Pt 1

T.H.U.G. L.O.V.E.

Under Da Hood

Take Em Down 3

Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
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Tiger Tyson's Eiffel Tower

Nominated GayVN Award 2008
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AEBN Membership

Preview Steel Curtain

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Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
Black Gay DVD Thugmart.com
Steel Curtain at ThugpornVod.com

Preview The Show Part 1

Winner GayVN Award 2007
Gay Black Porn Thugporn.com
Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
Black Gay DVD Thugmart.com
See The Show at ThugpornVod.com

Preview The Show Part 2

Winner GayVN Award 2007
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Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
Black Gay DVD Thugmart.com
See The Show at ThugpornVod.com

Preview Tiger Tyson Secrets

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Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
Black Gay DVD Thugmart.com
See Secrets At ThugpornVod.com

Preview In The Heat

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Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
Black Gay DVD Thugmart.com
See In The Heat At ThugpornVod.com

Tiger Tyson Strikes Back

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Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
Black Gay DVD Thugmart.com
See Strikes Back At ThugpornVod.com

The Way You Like It
(Anal Sex)
Free Clips
Tiger Tyson Way You Like It
See Way You Kike It At ThugpornVod.com
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Streamed $9.95 Netdixx.com
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

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whats good every one hope all is well

well studio is in a whilrwind we have 5 new titles comeing out and next yr is looking even more better were allready ploting our next locations for filming so get ready every one i just might be in your town sooner then you think so if your ready to be in film give me a holla im allways looking for new bottoms for my films and exclusive tops for other films so if yah got a six pk with a 9 shot hit me up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks it's wonderful news that you are soon to be releasing 5 new dvd's, I can't wait to buy and see them.

I am so eager to see Take Em Down 3which so very hot and 4 more dvd's to be released to is a tremendous bonus.

Please release them very soon as I may buy extra as Christmas presents for friends.

Keep up all your excellent work.

My best as always


3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow !!! 5 New dvd's Tiger !!!!

I agree with Dave, please release these soonest as I need to get them.

Also please show some photos from them including TED 3

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Love ya work man...But umm I really believe you should reach out to Brian Pumper and see if the brotha will do a video as a top or bttm.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Reigh said...

wats good tiger my name is Reigh and i was wonderin bout gettin into sum films. im a big dude i aint even gonn front but i need info i dont even kno if they still use big dudes ne more but let me kno sumthin u can get in touch wit me through [email protected]

4:31 AM  

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