The Best Of (2004), from Pitbull Productions, Length: 2 Hours 23 Minutes, Directed by Jalin Fuentes, Genre: Blatino, Gay Man, Thugporn, Thug porn, DVD and VOD, Language: English

Starring Tiger Tyson Special Guest Star: Supreme aka Castro, Also featuring thugporn star: Romeo,

Pitbull Productions proudly presents The Best of which is so chock full of thugcore, ass ramming action, your cock will rise to new heights as you enjoy la creme de la creme of Black and Latino thugs go at one another. With so much dick sucking, boy pussy popping and thug on thug action, you'll be breathless and panting for more! ,

What The Reviewers Are Saying: ... from RM, FleshBot, Way back in the nineties, Tiger Tyson was one of the biggest names to emerge from the New York City-based blatino studios—and after a short break from the small screen, he’s returned in several new DVDs produced by Pitbull Productions. “The Best of” is typical of the series: two hours and six scenes long. Tiger appears in an opening threeway with Supreme and Romeo that will leave your pause button sticky; the last scene features Chucky with the slurpalicious Ricky Martinez, who performs his trademark auto-fellatio routine before throwing a stiff pounding to his little friend. We would’ve liked to have seen a little more of Ricky doing what he does best … but hey, we’re pervy that way.

... from Adam at Adammale, If you’re a fan of big, black dicks and tough attitudes then this video is a MUST SEE! Tiger Tyson stars in The Best of, where all the brothers are packing ..., Watch The Best Of Streamed at Thug Sex Theater, Download It For Only $9.95 at, Stream It Over and Over Again at Thug porn, Buy The Best Of on DVD at Thugmart,