Measuring Up Measuring Up (2007) , from Pitbull Productions, Length: 2 hours 10 minutes, Directed by Jalin Fuentes, Genre: Blatino, Gay Man, Thug porn DVD, Language: English

Featuring Thug Porn Starz Jovannie , City Boy, Shawn Legend , Sho-Nuff , Killa , Shaft , Redd , Run 30 , and Bronz Star

Cum pigs break the tape measure with their big dicks and it’s a hard call to decide who wins the title of biggest, baddest dicksman in Measuring Up. There’s so many inches of stiff competition between super sexy Jovannie, muscular top man Shaft, cocksman Sho-Nuff and pile-driving Run 30 that their lucky bottoms have nothing to complain about.
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