hoodies Hoodies, Booties and Jeans (2007), from Pitbull Productions, Length: 2 hours 15 minutes, Directed by Jalin Fuentes, Genre: Blatino, Gay Man, Thug porn DVD, Language: English

Featuring Thug Porn Starz Big Smoke , Marcus , Phantom , Hot Rod , Manny , AK47 , Boogie , Drayonn , Sexcyone , N.Tycin , Will2k and Jeremy Blast

From New York to Atlanta, thug boyz rule! Newbies Phantom, Manny and Hot Rod cum together in a spectacular threesome, which is a first for all three. Big Smoke (13 inches) turns Marcus inside out and upside down, Boggie bottoms beautifully for AK 47 and Dreayonn (all brand-new Pitbull discoveries), Will2K and Jeremy Blast end their red-hot fuck session with huge gobs of hot spunk spraying their tight chocolate bodies, and muscular top Sexcyonn takes slender hottie N. Tycin down! What do all these thugs want? Why hoodies, boots, jeans of course…and awesome sex, sex, sex!
Exclusively at Thugmart.com