Love Of The Dick 6 (2006), Length: 2 hrs. 5 mins, from Pitbull Productions, Directed by Jalin Fuentes, Genre: Blatino, Gay Man, Thug porn DVD

Supreme, Sylk, Dillon, Kidd Kaj, Papo, Phyre, Rhythm, Chaos, Lil Jay

Synopsis: First of all, when you see the action between Supreme and super Latin hunk Carlos Morales, you'll see why this scene will win a slew of awards this year! It is, without a doubt, the hottest sex scene we've ever filmed, and we've filmed quite a few! Carlos Morales is the perfect bottom, using his well-muscled body to take every fat, hard inch of Supreme's 11-inch cock. Carlos goes where others don't dare, urging Supreme to give it to him hard and fast. This is just the type of bottom that spurs Supreme on to really outdo himself. You'll watch this scene over and over until you wear out this DVD. Troy Penetrator, a Florida thug, gives hot bottom Vaughn a good, hard dicking. Vaughn loves it and moans for more, more, more. These two go at it like a bunch of wild animals, not letting up until both blow a huge wad of cum. Supreme then meets up with the gorgeous Kidd, who's heard about Supreme but had never met him in person. A natural bottom, Kidd takes everything Supreme has to offer and then some! This is a match made in thugporn heaven. Kriz and Blue Ice turn up the heat till their dicks get the better of them and they strip down, throwing caution to the wind. Panting and sweating, they go at it like the dawgs they are, causing one of the cameramen to ejaculate himself while filming this scene! Da Bomb is new to the X-rated biz and anxious to prove he's got what it takes to be a thugporn star. Keeping that in mind, we decided to let him bottom for Supreme in his first scene figuring if he can take 11 inches, he's got a good chance of making it to the top. We think you'll find that Da Bomb came through his X-rated initiation with flying colors, bathed in a sea of white, sticky jizz. We are sorry to see the end of the Love of the Dick series – it has been an awesome ride for everyone involved. Make sure you have all six DVDs in your permanent collection. This is a special treat for anyone who wants to learn more about their culture

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