Love Of The Dick 1 (2005), Length: 1 hr. 40 mins, from Pitbull Productions, Directed by Jalin Fuentes, Genre: Blatino, Gay Man, Thug porn DVD, Language: English

Supreme aka Castro, , Lazarus, Pinky, Angel, Peanut Butta, T Marshawn, Rich, Lotus, Bandit

Synopsis: Superstar and super-sized top, Supreme aka Castro plunders ass in this red-hot sexual free-for-all. No bottom is safe as Supreme pounds and plugs each tight asshole. Angel, Pinky and Peanut, who coins the phrase 'Philly Tube Steak,' perform a nasty, cum-filled 3some within sight of the Liberty Bell. Newcomer Bandit tops Lotus after a face-fucking, dick stroking session.T and Marshawn enjoy a thug-on-thug orgy. Pitbull Productions fills you with excessive cum shots, hardcore fucking, deep throat sucking and sweet and sweaty ass munching. Available on DVD at Thugmart, , Available as clips at FuckFlixx Netdixx Thugporn

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