The Best Of 2 (2006), from Pitbull Productions, Length: 2 Hours 15 Minutes, Directed by Jalin Fuentes, Genre: Blatino, Gay Man, Thugporn, Thug porn, DVD and VOD

Starring Tiger Tyson, Special Guest Star: Supreme aka Castro, T Malone, Bandit, Ludacris, Viper, Carmello, Lil Jay, Dillon, Joshua, Double R, Chaos, Midnight

Tiger Tyson is at his most ferocious when he takes down America’s #1 bottom, T Malone, in awesome Tiger-style. Tiger spanks T’s ass before plundering his hot twitchy ass cheeks, bringing both to a screaming orgasm! Big thug Bandit shows why he’s tops at taking sex-hungry Ludacris all the way down. Lots of cock sucking before Bandit has his way with Ludacris’ ass. Viper and Carmello are working out with weights. They decide to share Lil Jay’s mouth and ass in a wild, sweaty threesome that leaves them all spent and sticky. Cute young Joshua is doing some handyman work at Dillon’s pad. Dillon catches the hint on Joshua’s T-shirt, which says Slave. After Dillon undresses Joshua he fucks him in every position you can imagine. Double R takes Chaos in a poker game. The loser, Chaos of course, has to give up ass for Double R’s hard, throbbing pole. Both wind up the winner of this game. Supreme stuffs Midnight’s mouth full of his incredible 11-inches before turning him over and making him take his incredible cock up his butt. Supreme does not spare the rod!
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