Love Of The Dick 2 (2006), Length: 1 hr. 40 mins, from Pitbull Productions, Directed by Jalin Fuentes, Genre: Blatino, Gay Man, Thug porn DVD, Language: English

Supreme aka Castro, Bebe, Jermaine, CJ, Lil Nut, Carmello, Thugzilla, Redd, Jay Untouchable

Synopsis: Ready for round two of freakin' fuck fest? Horse-hung Surpeme is back, with 10 1/2 inches ready to ride. He takes down Bebe and Jermaine in a torrid threesome, then nuts with chocolate thug Carmello. By the time he hits up Jay Untouchable, his iron pipe is so hard it won't rust! "Real life" lovers CJ turns Lil Nut upside down. Thugzilla dominates light-skinned Redd, fucking him in some wild ass positions. Love Of The Dick Iron Pipe is Supreme! Available on DVD at Thugmart, , Available as clips at FuckFlixx Netdixx Thugporn

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